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Release Date:
November 1, 2022

Empowered Mindset for Successful Homebuying

Mortgage Loan Officer William Dawes

Fairway Loan Officer William Dawes shares his unique childhood experiences living on a resort in the Bahamas and then attending boarding school in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida. The lessons William learned during his formative years have shaped his outlook on life and work, and they hold important insights for homebuyers as well.

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Introduction [00:00:00] Welcome to the Homeownership Insights Podcast, your leading mortgage podcast, sponsored by Fairway Independent Mortgage Corporation. Listen as experts from across the country share knowledge to help homebuyers and homeowners make the best decisions in their homeownership journey. Our next podcast begins right now.

Casey Morris [00:00:22] Welcome back to the Fairway Homeownership Insights Podcast. I'm Casey Morris, and today I'm talking with William Dawes, a branch manager with Fairway in Salem, Ohio. William, thanks so much for joining me.

William Dawes [00:00:33] Oh, it's really great to be here. I'm excited to chat with you about my past experiences and how they relate to the homebuying process.

Casey Morris [00:00:40] Awesome. Yeah. This is going to be a great conversation. And just for some context, for our listeners, we have this really awesome tradition, daily tradition really, at Fairway where someone in the company -- could be in the marketing department, could be a loan officer, could be in any department in the company-- gets to share their story under the hashtag #KeepPlaying.

And these are different stories about their life experience, their professional experience, always with themes of resilience and perseverance and, you know, professionalism and really how they rose above certain circumstances or what they learned from adversity or unique experiences that they've been through. So it's an amazing company tradition, and William has a particularly interesting background, so it's going to be awesome to hear from you.

So just to kind of set the stage for people, you were living in the Bahamas when you were 12 years old, and that's where some of the lessons that we're going to talk about came from. Your parents were running a bone fishing resort. And then after you spent some time there, you went to a boarding school in Fort Lauderdale. And it seems like these experiences really sort of shaped who you are and how you look at life.

William Dawes [00:01:47] Yeah, I think whenever you have a unique circumstance in your own life, that you start to look around and realize other people don't share this. Not everybody's lived on a two-and-a-half-mile island in the Bahamas or gone to boarding school, that you kind of realize, oh, okay. Since these experiences that I've had are unique, I should probably pay a little bit more attention to them and try to learn some lessons from them.

But yeah, it's interesting how living on a small island when you're a preteen, 12 going on 13 years old, how it's such a long time ago, how those experiences when you're that age can have such an impact on you for a lifetime. And the #KeepPlaying exercise I'll call it is really cool because we tend to go through life just experiencing things. And day to day we experience them. But it's not very often that we stop and reflect on those experiences and try to extrapolate lessons. And that's what #KeepPlaying is, right? So we go back to this point in time in our life, we tell this story, and in the midst of telling this story, you try to relay a lesson that you learned in this story.

And so for me, it was a really cool exercise because I was able to go back and relive those experiences as a third person watching them instead of living in the moment. And it was neat just how lessons appear to you. You don't have to dig too deep when you're going into your own past and reliving certain experiences for things to jump right out to you as lessons. And yeah, so thank you. I'm glad that my experiences were impactful and that they were enough to have you interview me and I can't wait to talk about it.

Casey Morris [00:03:34] Let's dive into some of the lessons that you shared because you, like you said, you have such a unique experience. So I think that, you know, the stuff that you have to talk about and the memories that you have are just really interesting. So, you know, one of the first things that you mentioned was from your time living on the two-and-a-half-mile island in the Bahamas, which is that boredom is your ally, not your adversary, and that when you were, you know, you had done everything you possibly could on the island as a 12 year old, and you had to kind of look outward instead of kind of focusing on, ‘I’m so bored, I have nothing to do.’ So can you talk about that experience and how that, you know, that sort of lesson ended up shaping your approach to your work and to working with homebuyers?

William Dawes [00:04:16] Yeah. I think there comes a point -- in a modern society we are very, very infrequently bored. Right? We can pick up our phone and be immediately occupied with scrolling of some sort through something. Right. And this was at a time when, number one, we were so far away that there is still isn't cell phone service on the island, barely any electricity on the island, no television for sure. So it was in a time where, you know, when you walked outside for the day without television, without a cell phone in your hand, you had to just come to the realization that this is it, this this is all I get this day right here. And I can either accept it for it being miserable and I'm so bored and I'm just going to make myself and everybody around me miserable because I'm so bored or I'm going to annoy the heck out of ever. I was 12, right? I'm going to annoy the heck out of everybody until they push me away because I'm so bored or I'm or I'm going to own the boredom and I'm going to try to find things to occupy my own time, things to learn, things to experience.

And I didn't mention this in the #KeepPlaying, but realistically, this is where I fell in love with books originally was because this was the only way I could experience the outside world was to dove into these stories of other people's lives, reading both fiction and nonfiction and that interest in other people's lives. So to carry that forward, reading those books, learning about other people and how they live and the experiences that they have carries forward to helping a 300 people with their homebuying process last year and really understanding that each one of those 300 people is their own book. They are their own story. And when you begin to talk to people and you're interested in their story, why are they buying a home? Have they ever owned a home before? Has anybody in their family ever owned a home before?

Nobody wants to get a mortgage, right? Everybody wants to own a home. Nobody wants to get a mortgage. So we tried to make that mortgage process flow very seamlessly, but seamlessly to one person is different than another, and you cannot make it seamless for everybody without first hearing their story. So that whole boredom is your ally thing led me down a path of, okay, how am I going to fill my time? Reading books was a was a really big part of my life. I think I read over 300 books that year, which is a lot in a one-year period. Right? But when you've got nothing else to do, that's all there was.

But now I get to hear other people's stories and those stories where we’re just a chapter, maybe not even a chapter, or a page in their story. And what I want to do is make sure that that page of their story that we're a part of is meaningful and is not stressful, and that they understand that we've got this, we do this, that our job is to take that stress away from them.

So, in a modern society, again, boredom is an ally. That's a tough term for most people to swallow. When they think of boredom, they're like, immediately, Nope, going to pick up my phone, got other things that I can occupy my time.

I would say that some of the most amazing reflections that I've had are in those moments of silence when there is no outside stimulus, when it is just the sound of the waves lapping up on the shore or the birds singing in the trees. When you have those moments of awakening, when you have realizations and those moments are very important, that helps.

Casey Morris [00:08:15] Yeah, definitely. And I totally agree because when you have just constant stimulation, you don't have a second to pause and sort of reflect or just litany of those thoughts or insights come to the surface because there's alwayssomething new. So, yeah, absolutely. Absolutely.

So, another thing that you mentioned was bad stuff happens, but tomorrow comes anyway. And that was based on a couple of experiences you had if you want to talk a little bit about. One was the generator house catching fire. Another was a terrible rainstorm where you thought all of the boats at the resort were going to sink and yet you got through it and the next day the sun came up anyway. So, you can talk just a little bit about those experiences and how that has sort of affected you in your life? You know, just living through that and having that sort of sinking into your psyche.

William Dawes [00:09:04] Yeah. First, let me frame this again. I was 12 when these things were happening, right? So, at age 12, most of us haven't had too many really crazy experiences happen to us. So, when I look back on these things, like for me they're just experiences and I'm talking about them. But then I think, okay, how many other 12-year-oldsactually experience this stuff? And maybe that's why these lessons come out, right?

But the bad stuff. So, one night there was no electricity that was run to the island. There was a generator that powered all of the guest cottages, the lodge and the manager's cottage and the shop on the island. And it was powered by gasoline. And one night, that generator house caught fire. And you know something's going on when all of the lights power down very slowly because the power is trickling down with the generator going down and everybody sort of walks out of their rooms, houses, car, wherever they are, and they're like, wait a minute, something's going on. What's going on here? Right? Because all the power just went out and it was just after dark and you could see the flames licking up into the sky from the generator house, which is powered by gasoline. Right? So, there's an imminent danger of something going on.

And with no power, there's no running water. So, we had to form a bucket chain from the ocean, which was a solid couple of hundred feet from the house where the generator was lodged. So, we're taking buckets and pouring them into the other and all the way down and down. And by the time you get to the bucket, it's at the generator house. It's only half full because you're so hurriedly pouring bucket after bucket. And eventually the fire was put out and the sun came up the next day. And everything was okay. The generator got repaired. We ended up having power again on the island. And obviously, here I am. Life continued right in the moment. It was catastrophic. It was high intensity, high stress.

And I guess for me, how that equates to the homebuying process and the mortgage process is how you deal with stress. Because I think most people on a day-to-day basis deal with a manageable amount of stress that they impose on themselves. They don't allow too many other people to push stress on them. They don't feel good when there's additional stress put on their shoulders, they manage maybe a two or a three or four on the stress scale on a daily basis, and all of a sudden they sign a contract to a house. And now that stress is an 11, right? You know, it's from 4 to 11, right?

And, I guess this experience in particular, I don't want to say that buying a house is the bad stuff, right? But I do want to say that the stress that you're under during that homebuying process. Number one, our mission at Fairway as a whole is to try to alleviate that stress. We don't want this process to be stressful. And in my humble experience, the way that you take stress off of people is with a lot of communication and with a lot of understanding that you've done this before thousands of times.

Kind of like when you go see a doctor and you're not feeling well and you're really nervous because you don't feel well, and you go stand in front of that doctor and that doctor says, ‘We've seen this a thousand times. No problem. I've got exactly what will fix how you're feeling and you're going to feel better within two or three days.’ And right off the bat, you're like, ‘Oh, God, I thought I was going to die.’ Right? And the doctor's like, ‘Nope, we got you’ and his confidence and having gone through what you're experiencing now and having a remedy for what you're experiencing now immediately drops that stress from an 11 back down to a manageable level.

I would say it's almost identical in the mortgage process when you get with the right person. That person should be able to talk you through exactly the process that you're going to go through. It's the same for every single person. The mortgage process doesn't change. So, what you're going to experience is the same as every other person who's gotten a mortgage with Fairway has experienced. We've done this thousands of times. It's pretty routine and we want that to make you feel less stress.

And even if it is, say you go from a four to as a nine, we managed to get you down from an 11 to a nine, right? The reality is, this little blip on the radar of this homebuying process and the big picture of you owning this home that that two- or three-week period it takes us to do your mortgage, over the seven year period that you spend living in that home.

Again, our hope is that little involvement in your chapter leads you to have less stress so that when the sun comes up tomorrow, you remember us with fondness. We don't ever want you to groan when you see our phone number pop up on your phone. We want you to be like, ‘Oh, this is great. He must have good news.’ Not, ‘What does this guy need now?’ Right? That's the goal. The goal is not to have you groan when you see our phone number, but to feel excited that we're moving you to the next step.

Casey Morris [00:14:37] There is you know, as a first-time homebuyer, there's so many unknowns and you're trying to make sure they have all my information. If I don't hear from you for a day, is everything okay? And it's like, yeah, probably if you're not hearing anything, things are probably good, but you know, you're in your head and is everything going to work out okay? Is the appraisal going to come in? And it just feels totally all-consuming.

But then, it is a very small part of the process. It's like, you know, the fun part is finding the house and then you get to move in and enjoy your home and all of those things. And when you look back on the loan process, you don't think that much about it. You're just like, ‘Oh yeah, we did our loan and now we're in our house.’ So I think that's just like a really, you know, really good way to put it that it's however catastrophic it feels or all-consuming or whatever is going on, it's like, you're going to get to the end of it and then you'll have your house and the sun's going to rise on you, you know, waking up and having coffee in your own home. And that's what's worth it.

William Dawes [00:15:32] That's the whole reason for all of this, right? It's not because people want to get a mortgage and experience the stress of signing a contract and moving. And the goal is to get people to that moment where they have the keys to their new home and all of that stress is left behind. I do think part of it is, you know, the bad stuff happening, that generator house catching fire. It's an uncontrollable-- you're out of control in the moment. All you can do is what people are saying, hey, we need you to do this. Go down there, get that bucket, bring it back here. And all you could do is just listen.

And that's another component that adds to the stress. I think most people are used to being in control and prefer to be in control. And this is unfortunately one process where you really have to be able to rely on the person in the room with you who's handling your mortgage to do their job well, to communicate effectively, and to take away the stress because you're not in control of the steps of the process, the appraised value, the underwriting, any of that stuff. It's all out of your control, which again, leads to that heightened anxiety. And the only thing we can do to help with that is to communicate well.

Casey Morris [00:16:45] Yeah. Yeah, I think that is exactly what it is that, you know, once you've submitted all of your documents, it's kind of just a waiting game. Just like when you make your offer, it's like, now it's out of your hands and then you continue with your loan application, and all you can do is wait and hope that there are no issues and then you wait on the appraisal. So, it is stressful. But yeah, keeping the end goal in mind I think is always what gets you through it.

William Dawes [00:17:08] There’s a Tom Petty song about that, right? The waiting is the hardest part, I think is what he says, right?

Casey Morris [00:17:13] I think that sums it up. Yeah, exactly. Exactly. So, you know, just shifting gears, so you're, you know, you did a #KeepPlaying where you talked about your experience on the Bahamas and then you talked about some of the lessons that you learned when you went to a boarding school in Fort Lauderdale. And I thought there were some really great things in there, too, that have some great takeaways for homebuyers and homeowners.

And one is that you talked about the importance of perspective, and you shared that you had a roommate when you moved into the dorms at the boarding school who cried himself to sleep every night, really struggled in class and struggled to make friends because he felt very alone and abandoned, whereas you were just loving life there and you were thriving in this new environment.

And, you know, I just thought that was really interesting because it's like, you're roommates, you live together, and yet you're having completely opposite experiences. So, you can talk about sort of, you know, just the memories that you have of that and how that sort of ended up shaping your entire time at the school.

William Dawes [00:18:11] Sure. I think it's important to hit on the transition piece because, you know, when you think about buying a home, it's because you've outgrown your current home. You've maybe shrunk the size of your family and need a smaller home. There's a period of transition that is usually the motivator for wanting to buy a home. Right in my period of transition, the reason for me going to boarding schoolwas what I was going nuts at a two-and-a-half-mile island. We were 70 miles from the nearest town. There was a very small village of 100 and some people right across the intercoastal from us. And I wasn't able to attend school because they were on the British system and it didn't translate well.

So that transition to going to boarding school for me was born out of necessity, of needing to change my circumstance. And for me, when I arrived at the dorms, like, I was so excited, I was excited for what was next. It was exactly what I had hoped and what I wanted it to be. And I was really driving it to be what I wanted it to be.

And my roommate, his parents had primarily made the decision for him. They wanted to see him have a better education. His reason for transition wasn't his own self-motivation. And so, when he was there, he was pressured to be there. He was desperately homesick. And he really wasn't doing well in school because his perspective was so messed up. Right? He was downtrodden about why he was there. He was downtrodden about not having his friends from where he was from. He was downtrodden about not seeing his family.

This was before cell phones, again, in the mid-nineties. So, there wasn't a method for him to just pick up the phone and call the people or FaceTime the people that he was missing. And so, the reality is for me, that perspective, that positive perspective, I knew then this wasn't a lesson that I went back and learned. I knew at the moment that I was going through this that my perspective was having an impact on my success. And I do feel that that's true of any experience that I have with other people.

If I can drive that perspective and that interaction with other people to be positive and uplifting and stress-free, that leads to a better interaction, whether it's at the shop when my car is getting worked on, with the secretary, whether it's at the attorney's office talking with that secretary, or it's a client trying to buy a home. That perspective is what's most important, helping them see the light at the end of the tunnel. The whole reason we're here is to get you into this home and that that perspective continues to motivate them to want to continue to go through the whole process.

Casey Morris [00:21:15] Yeah. So, the last thing that I wanted to ask you just to wrap up is that you also talked about, you know, that there are consequences to waiting for things, you know, waiting until the last minute and also that everything comes to an end. And I thought that that was a would be a great point to end on because with this homebuying journey, sometimes you can sort of get so hung up on things that go wrong. You know, your offer doesn't get accepted. Somebody buys the house that you've been eyeing for years and you didn't, you know, you weren't able to kind of get in the running for it. You know, there's just a lot that can kind of go wrong on your path to becoming a homeowner. And sometimes you need to remember that, you know, you have to kind of let things go and then you move on to the next house. And so, if you could just talk about that, about, you know, especially in today's market, how to cope with that and also the benefit of not waiting to buy a house.

William Dawes [00:22:04] You would think when I wrote these #KeepPlayings that it was appropriate to the homebuying process and that really was not the intention. So, it's funny that all of these were the taglines of the paragraphs that I wrote, but the consequences to waiting. So listen. I lived in the dorms. It was a coed campus, but the girls’ dorm was a way across the other side of the campus. There were 77 boys in the boys’ dorm. There were four major quadrants of the dorm on two stories, and there were bathrooms at each end of each quadrant that had the showers in them. And so, if you're waiting in line to take a shower, if you're not the first one up, which is pretty early when you're in high school, then you're either going to be waiting in line or B, you're going to miss your first period because you've waited so long.

And of course, when you're behind 65 other people who are taking showers, that meant there was also no warm water. So that consequence for me very early on, I learned that either way, I'm the first one up and I get my butt in there and I get showered. Or B, I accept the fact that I'm going to be taking a cold shower that morning. Right? Same thing when it came to evenings with dinner at the cafeteria. Again, you're living in the dorms. Guess what you eat every day? Cafeteria food dinners only served between certain hours at the cafeteria. And depending on the sports that you played, your sports practice could end right at the date or the time that the cafeteria closes. So either, A, you got to leave practice early or B, you had to let the coach know that, hey, the cafeteria closes, or C, you got to know that you're probably going to have milk for dinner because that's all that's available after the kitchen closes, right?

So, this whole concept of, listen, I, just like everybody else, I'm kind of a master at procrastinating. But I've also learned that if I make the choice to procrastinate, I have to be ready to accept the consequences of that. Right? There are consequences to just not getting it out of the way right away.

So, the other part about living in the dorms. I was immediately making friends with students that were older than I was. I was always kind of advanced emotionally, intellectually, as a result of all the reading that I had done. So, I innately made friends with people who were older than me, which meant that as I got older, those upperclassmen that were my friends would graduate and they would move on and go to college. And I went to a school that when you went to college, it meant you were not local anymore. So, they were going to colleges that were out of state.

The school was in Fort Lauderdale. It was a very good boarding school and kids were going to Brown, Duke, Yale, Princeton, Harvard, like really. Really. I did not go to one of those schools. So, it was like a bomb dropped every generation that graduated. They were all gone. So, every time, every year, the first year was very hard because I hadn't experienced this type of end in a relationship before.

You know, they go off to college. The last thing they're doing is going back and keeping in touch with their high school friends. When they're in college, it just doesn't happen. And I can say that with some positivity because three separate years I had friends that we're seeing here as they graduated and moved on and there wasn't a whole lot of communication over those three years.

For me, that lesson was just everything comes to an end, right? Those friends that you're my best friend will be friends with life, right? Friends forever. And then things happen. And that situation, that friendship, they graduate, they move on and learn very quickly that everything comes to pass. And even things, even things that are so important that it feels like they're crushing you emotionally, stress, mentally in the moment may not even be a memory five years later or five weeks later or whatever that time is.

And Steve Jacobson, Jake, our CEO, always talks about asking yourself that question, will it be important in five days, five weeks, five months, five years and kind of judge how much commitment you're going to put into it based on the answer to that question, will it matter in five months? Will it matter in five years, tying all this back to the homebuying process?

Consequences to waiting. In today's market, there's a lot of uncertainty. And the way that you tackle uncertainty is by making a commitment to something in the moment with 100% of your confidence in being, whether it's right or wrong, indifferent, doesn't matter.

You make a decision that we are going to do this and you are willing to accept whatever those consequences are for that decision and understanding that that loan process, that in the moment may feel very stressful, probably, hopefully in a matter of a short period of time will be but a memory, and hopefully be a good memory of you buying a house.

Casey Morris [00:27:35] Yeah, I think that that's a really good point. And to remember that everything does pass. And so whatever disappointments you go through on your homebuying journey, thinking about that, is this going to matter in five weeks? No, because maybe I really liked this house, but I ended up getting another one and that ended up working out better for me. Or the important thing is that we got a house period, and so the disappointment will be over, or whatever it is.

I think that that that makes a lot of sense and also just not waiting because, you know, if you're able to buy a house now, it's a great time to get into the market. It may be tough. It's not the, you know, the most ideal market for a homebuyer. You know, it's not the easiest market. But at the same time, waiting means that, you know, you're missing out on building equity. You might miss out on a great house. You know, who knows what's going to happen in the future? So, you know, you take the opportunities that you have in frontof you and try to keep perspective about them throughout the journey. So I think that that's great and yeah, thank you so much. All of this has just been really awesome, to get to know more about your story and how it's informed your perspective and just really appreciate you sharing your insights.

William Dawes [00:28:42] You're welcome. It's amazing how many people have read it. Just a portion of my story and replied to me and talked about how surprisingly interesting it is and how much they learned from it. I think we all just kind of take for granted that it's just our life. We don't necessarily think that anyone else would find it all that interesting. But this goes back to those old maxims when they talk about sharing, right? When you begin to share and start telling your story, it allows for really meaningful connections with other people.

And that's, again, part of that whole process. You know, there's three major milestones, maybe four, in life, when you get married, when you have a baby, when you buy a house. At each one of those major milestones, the hope is that you're dealing with people who you trust, like, can rely on, can communicate well with you. And in my mind, most of all, reduce the stress, right?

Because all three of those things are really stressful, when you're having a baby and you're in the room with your spouse or you are the one having a baby, it helps to have a doctor that's like I've done this hundreds of times.

When you're going through your wedding setup and you have your catering hall and you have your caterer, you don't want, nobody wants to deal with the caterer who this is their first time ever catering a wedding. So, I mean, realistically, I think that that being able to share your story with other people when you're buying a home as a homebuyer and then having somebody on the receiving end who listens to your story, understands how to make you feel less stressed, and can assure you that they've done this thousands of times before, that this is the magic of Fairway, right? The magic of Fairway is this consistent delivery of an amazing homebuying experience. Regardless of where you are in the nation, what brands you work with, what loan officer you work with, there's a really magical system here that's backed by an amazing culture that's all about you, your story, why you're buying a house, and how to help you realize that dream of owning a home with us in the back seat with you.

Casey Morris [00:30:57] Yeah, definitely. I think that Fairway provides a really reassuring presence because everyone you interact with is so friendly and professional and empathetic and kind and just really on the ball to everyone you talk to. You really get the sense anywhere in the country that they are seasoned professionals, and they give you that feeling of, ‘I've done this a million times before. I know what we're doing here. I know what you need to do to get where you need to go, and I will help you.’

And I think that, like, that makes all the difference that you have someone who you can put your trust into and you really do. You get the sense, too, that they care about you as a person. And I think that that really helps because it is such a, it is so personal. It's like you said, for every homebuyer, they all have their own, you know, everyone has their own story.

So, to have somebody who you're like, this person actually cares about me and they know what they're doing and I feel really confident that they're going to get me to closing successfully is huge. I mean, it's just, it's an absolute game changer, I think, when you're buying a house.

William Dawes [00:31:58] Yeah, there's something really magical about being in a conversation with somebody and have them say one sentence or one paragraph that makes you go, ‘Oh, alright.’ You just you feel this stress leaving your body. I really think that's one of the key things that Fairway brings to the table is that confidence in that know-how paired with the desire to know you so they can say that one sentence because one sentence doesn't fit all. One size doesn't fit all. Everybody deals with stress differently. So, you've really got to know the person that you're dealing with, why they're buying, what transitionary period they're going through.

There are situations where people are buying homes out of duress. They're going through a relationship that's falling apart and they now have to buy. In the midst of that, that's a completely different stress-relieving conversation. Then the new mom and dad who just got married, who want to buy a home for them and their family, right? So, you really have to know the story to be able to get there.

Thanks so much for reading my story, for being interested enough to ask me to be on here and for giving me a chance to share it. And I hope it's helpful.

Casey Morris [00:33:11] Yes, I think so. And I think it's just going to be you really valuable for anyone who listens to this. So before we sign off, you know, you're based in Ohio, your team is based in Ohio. How can homebuyers reach you if they want to talk about your story or if they're in the area and they're looking to buy a home? What's the best way for them to connect with you?

William Dawes [00:33:30] Our website is probably the best and I'll give our phone number. My last name is Dawes. So it's If you go to, our office line is on there that receives text messages. If you're just thinking about buying a home in Ohio and you want to send a quick text, hey, I've got a quick question, we get those all the time. I understand that that's how most people would prefer to communicate before picking up the phone. If you want to send some questions, look us up on Google, on Facebook, on LinkedIn, on Zillow, where we have hundreds and hundreds of five-star reviews. Fairway has thousands and thousands of five-star reviews. That's another, I think, important consideration when you're making a decision on who to use. But yeah, Thanks so much for letting me share that. I appreciate it.

Casey Morris [00:34:22] Awesome. Well, thank you so much. And yeah, we're just really appreciate your time and all of your insights.

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William Dawes
NMLS #259692

The information in this podcast is distributed for educational purposes only. The information is not guaranteed to be accurate and may not entirely represent the opinions of Fairway Independent Mortgage Corporation.

Copyright©2022 Fairway Independent Mortgage Corporation. NMLS#2289. 4750 S. Biltmore Lane, Madison, WI 53718, 1-866-912-4800. All rights reserved. Fairway is not affiliated with any government agencies. This is not an offer to enter into an agreement. Not all customers will qualify. Information, rates and programs are subject to change without notice. All products are subject to credit and property approval. Other restrictions and limitations may apply. Equal Housing Opportunity.

Fairway is required to disclose the following license information. AZ License #BK-0904162; Licensed by the Department of Financial Protection and Innovation under the California Residential Mortgage Lending Act, License No 41DBO-78367. Licensed by the Department of Financial Protection and Innovation under the California Financing Law, NMLS #2289. Loans made or arranged pursuant to a California Residential Mortgage Lending Act License; Georgia Residential Mortgage Licensee #21158; For licensing information, go to; MA Mortgage Broker and Lender License #MC2289; Licensed Nevada Mortgage Lender; Licensed by the NJ Department of Banking and Insurance; Licensed Mortgage Banker-NYS Department of Financial Services; Rhode Island Licensed Broker & Lender; Fairway Independent Mortgage Corporation NMLS ID #2289 (

The information in this podcast is distributed for educational purposes only. The information is not guaranteed to be accurate and may not entirely represent the opinions of Fairway Independent Mortgage Corporation.

Copyright©2022 Fairway Independent Mortgage Corporation. NMLS#2289. 4750 S. Biltmore Lane, Madison, WI 53718, 1-866-912-4800. All rights reserved. Fairway is not affiliated with any government agencies. This is not an offer to enter into an agreement. Not all customers will qualify. Information, rates and programs are subject to change without notice. All products are subject to credit and property approval. Other restrictions and limitations may apply. Equal Housing Opportunity.

Fairway is required to disclose the following license information. AZ License #BK-0904162; Licensed by the Department of Financial Protection and Innovation under the California Residential Mortgage Lending Act, License No 41DBO-78367. Licensed by the Department of Financial Protection and Innovation under the California Financing Law, NMLS #2289. Loans made or arranged pursuant to a California Residential Mortgage Lending Act License; Georgia Residential Mortgage Licensee #21158; For licensing information, go to; MA Mortgage Broker and Lender License #MC2289; Licensed Nevada Mortgage Lender; Licensed by the NJ Department of Banking and Insurance; Licensed Mortgage Banker-NYS Department of Financial Services; Rhode Island Licensed Broker & Lender; Fairway Independent Mortgage Corporation NMLS ID #2289 (

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